Saturday, May 14, 2011

Loppis Glädje

Nobody should have to study Chemistry all day. That's what I though when I decided to go for a little treasure-hunting.
Farbror Fynd it was! I was actually out for flower pots to plant my seedlings in but found some great decorative items for my future shop at Hamra Krog too!
I don't want to post pictures of everything because lots of it is of course "raw material" and needs to be beautified but here's a preview:

Random things that caught my eye today - cute metal cans, tools, fabrics, frames, a sweet little tray, and an old school Kodak camera! They (almost) all fit very nicely in the toolbox I found at another flea-market not too long ago. No idea who he is/was but Ingvar Carlsson made me happy :)

My seedlings seem happy in their new pots ... and I think I'll have a hard time parting with that sweet little tray when the time comes ... 

And that was all for today! I'm going back to my books for some Biology!



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